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Life of a King

Lutan Fyah - Life of a King

© 2013 Grillaras Productions

Release Date: September 24, 2013


1. Penance - Lutan Fyah

2. Defend the Throne - Lutan Fyah

3. See To It - Lutan Fyah

4. Cyaaan Do We Nothing - Lutan Fyah

5. Life of a King - Lutan Fyah

6. Protect the Youth - Lutan Fyah

7. Justice - Lutan Fyah

8. Where Is Poppa - Lutan Fyah

9. Royal Empress - Lutan Fyah

10. Economical Crisis - Lutan Fyah

11. Leave the Herb - Lutan Fyah

12. Let's Come Together - Lutan Fyah

13. Liberation - Lutan Fyah

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