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Romain Virgo - Lovesick

© 2018 VP Music Group

Release Date: March 30, 2018


1. Face To Face - Romain Virgo

2. Lovesick - Romain Virgo

3. Cruise - Romain Virgo

4. In This Together - Romain Virgo

5. Day In Day Out - Romain Virgo

6. Cannot Close My Eyes - Romain Virgo

7. Sweet Liar - Romain Virgo

8. Unbreakable - Romain Virgo

9. Trouble - Romain Virgo

10. Hold On - Romain Virgo

11. Will You Be There - Romain Virgo

12. Now - Romain Virgo

13. Still - Romain Virgo

14. Heartbeat - Romain Virgo

15. Stay With Me - Romain Virgo

16. Caress Me - Romain Virgo

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